SCF Raises $90,000 for Targeted House Members

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

SCF’s Direct Support Exceeds the $51,000 American Action Network Spent Against Conservatives on TV

Alexandria, VA — Today, the Senate Conservatives Fund (SCF) announced that it raised over $90,000 for U.S. Representatives Jim Bridenstine (R-OK), Tim Huelskamp (R-KS), and Jim Jordan (R-OH) to help defend them against recent TV attack ads launched by the American Action Network (AAN). This exceeds the roughly $51,000 AAN spent on media in their three congressional districts.

“American Action Network attacked these conservatives to punish them for opposing Speaker John Boehner’s decision to fund the president’s executive amnesty. These lawmakers were defending the Constitution and fighting to keep the promise that the Speaker himself made last year,” said SCF President Ken Cuccinelli. “Speaker Boehner and his allies may think they can use these attack ads to defeat these congressmen in a future primary, but they’re wrong. The grassroots in this country are more organized than ever before and they will work together through groups like SCF to elect people who will fight for their principles.”

“A pro-amnesty, establishment-led political machine is trying to silence conservatives, but we will not abandon the Constitution and give up the fight to stop Obama’s unlawful acts,” said Rep. Jim Bridenstine. “I’m grateful to the grassroots members of the Senate Conservatives Fund for standing with me in this fight. A lot of people say they have your back, but SCF means it.”

“American Action Network is not attacking President Obama or his unlawful actions; they’re attacking those of us that are standing up for the Constitution,” said Rep. Tim Huelskamp. “What they don’t realize is their efforts only strengthen the conservative grassroots. The establishment has attacked me and tried to cut off my fundraising, but it’s backfired. People in my district are even more supportive now of my efforts and groups like SCF have helped me raise money to get my message out.”

“If pro-amnesty groups want to come after me for standing up to the President’s unlawful actions, they can certainly do that. But the American people will see through it,” said Rep. Jim Jordan. “I’ve received overwhelming support from people in my district and the Senate Conservatives Fund has helped me raise support from people in Ohio and across the country to counter these attacks.”

This model of grassroots fundraising has made SCF the #1 conservative PAC for supporting candidates. In the 2013 -14 election cycle, SCF raised $4.9 million directly for candidates and spent $6.2 million on independent expenditures for a total direct investment in conservative candidates of $11.1 million – the most of any conservative PAC in America.

Senate Conservatives Fund is a national, grassroots organization that promotes conservative polices and helps elect true conservative leaders to the U.S. Senate. SCF also works to build a farm team by supporting outstanding House candidates through its House Conservatives Project.
