Mike Braun for U.S. Senate

Monday, May 14, 2018

We are proud to endorse Mike Braun (R-IN) for the U.S. Senate in Indiana against liberal Senator Joe Donnelly (D-IN).

Mike Braun is a conservative outsider who defeated two establishment Republicans in the primary election on May 8. He’s a businessman, a family man, and a principled leader who will stand up to the big spenders in Washington and help us drain the swamp!

Please watch his campaign video and join us in supporting Mike Braun by making a contribution to his campaign today.

Senator Joe Donnelly is extremely vulnerable so we have a real opportunity to win this race in November. And there couldn’t be a more stark contrast between these two candidates.

  • Donnelly supports Obamacare. Braun wants to repeal it.
  • Donnelly supports illegal immigration. Braun wants to stop it.
  • Donnelly supports higher taxes and job-killing regulations. Braun opposes them.
  • Donnelly supports taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood. Braun wants to end it.
  • Donnelly is a career politician. Braun is a businessman who supports term limits.

And the list goes on and on …

Please help Mike Braun win this critical race by making a contribution of $25, $50, $100, or more to his campaign today!

SCF will pay all processing expenses so Braun can spend 100% of your donation on voter contact.

Thank you for standing strong for liberty and for doing so much to help us promote conservative leadership in Washington.